Realignment through healthy release

Lately, clients have complained of feeling uncomfortable and 'put upon.' Some have described it as a sense of being energetically bullied, or forced to do something they don't want to do. Worse, they don't know what it is they're being coerced to do. This feeling in the air is one of release. In the cosmic scheme, we are like pieces on a chess board, strategically moved around void of will. It can feel pretty intrusive when we struggle against the Universe, insisting on following our own mind/ego. When this happens, we are out of alignment with actions that lead to our highest good. The result is anger, frustration and a fear of the unknown. Cosmic energy is shifting us away from things that aren't serving us in a positive way. The conflict occurs because we "think" we know what's best, but that's not always true. We are guided by emotions based largely on what we see, touch, taste, hear and feel. Without coercion, few are compelled to trust the unknown. We prefer to continue operating in habitual patterns. The uneasy feelings are because we insist on holding tightly to people, experiences and things that are not good for us.

To ease the pressure, think about what you need to release. Bad habits, false beliefs, painful memories and toxic relationships work against your highest good. Though we may be operating in a comfort zone, we are feeling uncomfortable because we are out of alignment. As days and nights grow colder, we are inclined to spend more time in solitude. Make time for activities that support healthy release. Meditation, practicing gratitude, space clearing and energy work can lead to acceptance and understanding that will help us recognize and break negative behavior patterns.

  • Meditation: A few minutes a day is enough. This Beginner's Guide to Meditation shows you how in five easy steps, or register and participate in Oprah and Deepak's 21-days of Meditation Experience starting November 3, 2014. 
  • Gratitude: Begin and end each day with a gratitude exercise. Gratefulness shifts perspective and speeds acceptance. Here's a list of 22 Gratitude Exercises to increase happiness and raise vibrations.
  • Space Clearing: The best .99 cents I ever spent was on a Kindle book by author and Feng Shui expert, Tess Whitehurst, called Magical Clutter Clearing Bootcamp. For me, this book launched a purging process that continues to serve me year-after-year.
  • Energy Work: Reiki and Chakra Balancing loosen and remove stagnant energy, helping us to release negative energy that may be binding us to experiences, people and things that no longer serve a positive purpose. These healing methods are more powerful as part of an ongoing self-care program. Navigate to Reiki in the Services tab for bundled pricing.