Tap in

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Can you feel it? There is a powerful urging to stand in the truth of who we really are and what we are here to do. The gut feelings won’t let up until we reach clarity of consciousness. We are goaded toward our life purpose and the part we are meant to play in the healing of the planet. It’s time to “tap in” to the momentum that will support our journey. We are supported by forces seen and unseen. We will create the life we desire if we simply tap in.

Spring equinox is here and the energy is ripe with opportunities for reparation and rejuvenation. Gaia/Mother Earth wants us to create and live a vibrant life. David Osborn, MH, LAC, wrote, “Through the global consciousness of Mother Gaia, all living things on this planet, from their most primordial instincts, are constantly interacting with their environment to ensure the harmony, balance and continuity of Life. Live in balance with Mother Nature and health and healing are yours.”

Tap in to a routine practice of self-care. Let's release all judgment and be forgiving with ourselves and others. Be guided by your higher mind. We are called to shift from individualism by viewing ourselves as a working part of an unlimited body of energy. Flow in cooperation with an expanded consciousness that is pure love and all-inclusive. This is our base of perpetual sustenance. When faced with stagnation, fatigue, burnout or clouded vision, tap in to universal energy. This is how we can stand in a truth that will support our goals and lead to success. 

Get free, stay free

The new year ignites a flurry of hopes, dreams, inspirations and aspirations. We vow to be better, whole and healed by this time next year. Many will achieve significant goals. Others will never embark on the journey to resolution. Most will stumble and stop someplace between their starting point and the goal.

By definition, a destination is the place to which someone or something is going or being sent. It is absolute and occurs at a specific point on a linear timeline. Lose weight, meet the love of your life and live happily ever after. Get a degree and avoid unemployment or underemployment. Start a new career and enjoy workplace satisfaction and a fully-funded retirement. Reach your destination and be free. It's simple. Right?

In the critically acclaimed film, Selma, it took years of work, many lives and thousands of people working together to move the needle of social justice a tiny bit. Before the successful trek from Birmingham to the Alabama state Capital, there were several smaller steps and sacrifices that could be interpreted as individual failures. The march led to an initial leap of progress followed by generations of desensitization to, and an eventual erosion of voting rights for all Americans (e.g., the disproportionately high rate of incarceration for Blacks who, consequently, lose their right to vote). What happened?

Freedom, liberation and any change we crave on a soul level are lifelong journeys, not destinations. It only takes the choice of one person to stop smoking. Yet, smokers go back and forth again and again and again. They swim toward the finish line of a smoke-free life, and somehow get caught in riptides that lead back to smoking. The same is true for losing weight. Folks struggle toward higher education, reeducation and greater achievements. Shifts occur and they are suddenly unemployed, underemployed, or unsatisfied.

Change is constant and requires constant maintenance and upkeep. As you set goals for 2015, aim high. Look beyond the material manifestation of what you wish to create and live in anticipation of how to sustain your new life. Do the work inside and out; enjoy your accomplishments. The longer you remain at a certain level, the more you may wish to stretch and grow beyond present circumstances. Do not be discouraged; this is the human condition. Freedom, liberation and change are not destinations, they are part of an unending journey. Commit to the process and sustainability of the life changes you desire. Keep them alive and relevant by working on them monthly, weekly, daily or hourly if necessary.

Happy New Year!

Epsom Salt Bath

Few things are as comforting as a hot bath on a cold winter night. Immersing the body in warm water can feel like removing a stress jacket at the end of a difficult day. According to the American Cancer Society, "Whole-body heat therapy is being studied for treating metastatic cancer (cancer that has spread). It involves the use of warm blankets, warm water, inductive coils (like those use in electric blankets), or thermal chambers (much like large incubators)."  At Wellness Uprising, we recommend hot Epsom salt baths for maintenance between visits for deep relaxation, grounding energy, releasing debris from the chakras and aura, and to encourage a better night's sleep for improved body functioning.

Did you know that Epsom salt isn't actually salt? It's a naturally occurring pure mineral compound of magnesium and sulfate. Magnesium contributes to the regulation of more than 300 enzymes in the body. Doctors warn that a lack of sufficient magnesium in the body may contribute to hyperactivity, high blood pressure, heart problems and other serious health issues. Sulfate aids the body's ability produce energy, flush toxins and form proteins in brain tissue and joints. An Epsom salt bath soak is considered a safe way to get more magnesium and sulfate into the body. Also, it feels great!

We've recommended this bath to clients for 20+ years to assist with energy cleansing, physical detoxing and to defend against parasites, yeast, bacteria, viruses and toxins. Our recipe is simple, inexpensive and, according to clients, very effective. A few have even reported that this soak has stopped nightmares!

Don't take our word for it. Click here to read Dr. Oz's  multiple uses for Epsom salt for improved health.

Our recipe below can be used as is, or you can add a helpful essential oil like juniper berry or lavender for added calm and relaxation. Try it for yourself and send your testimonial to ReikiByRhonda@me.com. We'd love to know how you feel after treating yourself to this luxuriously healing bath soak.

Caution: Epsom salt relaxes blood vessels and tends to lower blood pressure so this soak should be avoided by people with hypotension (low blood pressure).

Epsom Salt Bath Soak: To a hot bath add 2 pounds of Epsom salt, 16 ounces of hydrogen peroxide and 2-4 tablespoons of baking soda. Immerse the body fully and soak for 20 minutes, frequently sponging areas like the neck, shoulders and back. Allow the body to sweat, releasing stress and toxins. After soaking, drain water from the tub and shower to cleanse the body. 

Recipes to heal and nourish dry skin in cold weather

Though we’re still enjoying moderately warm temperatures in Los Angeles, winter is coming. Cool, dry air and wind can leave skin dry and lifeless, even if you’re naturally oily. Dry skin may also be caused by prolonged use of hot water and a deficiency of vitamins A, B and E. The next time your face appears taut and scaly, try one of these natural remedies.

Banana Avocado Mask:  Restores moisture while beautifying and feeding the skin.

  • 1 medium banana (vitamin B6, restores elasticity)
  •  ½ avocado (vitamin A, natural exfoliate, removes toxins)
  • 1 tablespoon sweet almond oil (vitamin E, reduces wrinkles, restores moisture)
  •  1 tablespoon honey (opens pores, removes impurities, moisturizes, naturally protects against UV rays)
  • ¼ cup almond milk (same benefits as sweet almond oil)

Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth. Wash and dry face and apply generously. Allow to set for 25-30 minutes. Rinse with tepid water. Pat dry.

The Aloe Vera Face Mask: Naturally heals and protects the skin while nourishing and moisturizing

Start with a fresh washed face. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut a full leaf from the base of the plant. Cut and discard the pointy end of the leaf. Remove the “teeth” from one side of the fat portion of the leaf, and slice it open lengthwise. Rub the open leaf all over your face. Leave on until completely dry. Rinse with cool water and follow with a moisturizer if necessary.

Beauty expert, Julyne Derrick, raves about this Super Hydrating Facial Moisturizer (www.beauty.about.com).

  • ¼ cup extra virgin coconut oil
  • ¾ cup cocoa butter
  •  2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Few drops of essential oil (rose, lavender or eucalyptus)

Place ingredients in a small pan and heat until the oils are fully melted. Pour in a small round bowl with a top that fastens and shake vigorously. Apply liberally to face (and body if you like). Gently remove excess with soft, dry washcloth. This mixture also makes an excellent makeup remover.

Using any of these recommended skin treatments will help your face look fresh and youthful all winter long.

Tarot talk: Numerical meanings 1-3

As explained in my October 16, 2014 entry entitled "Tarot and Numerology," each Minor Arcana or Pip card has a numerical association. In this entry, I've written about the numerical meanings of Aces (1's), Twos (2's) and Threes (3's). 

Aces: In Tarot, Aces (1's) vibrate at the frequency of opportunity, fresh starts, ideas or thoughts that have yet to materialize, possibility, inspiration, aspiration and motivation. If a reading has many 1's, it is an indication of events or situations that are about to start or that are just beginning to develop.

Twos (2's): Twos resonate with an energy symbolic of balance (like the two ends of a scale), choosing one direction or scenario over another, sharing, duality, insight, genial inducement, agreement, partnership, diplomacy, reconciliation, reunion and assimilation. If there are a lot of 2's in a reading it suggests a period of time when things may be in a holding pattern and only partially revealed. 

Threes (3's): Threes speak to the achievement of abundance, communication, friendships, growth, creativity and expression. The appearance of many 3's in a reading may point to situations involving 3 or more people or a setback or lag in progress with the promise of success in the future.

As you can see, there is a logical sequence of events as numbers progress. In the construction of a successful project, Aces speak to new ideas, thoughts and potential, 2's bring in the energy of choosing one path over another to determine how you will reach the goal and 3's are like pouring the concrete and preparing the ground upon which the foundation will be erected.

In my next Tarot Talk entry, I will discuss the meanings of 1's, 2's and 3's in each of the four Suits (Pentacles, wands, Cups and Swords).

To request a Tarot reading, select Tarot from the Services Tab at the top of this page.